Monday 20 October 2014

What kind of Wedding ceremony is right for me?

So you've got the date set! Good going! Now the most practical step would be trying to envision what type of ceremony  you would like.This is the most hardest step ever!Most brides or should I say couples. Yes it's a couples thing after all , have difficulty in deciding on the ceremony.(Almost forgot the guys there)

OK so your fiance is a not the same religion as you are but you were brought up so strongly by Hindu rights that it's almost impossible to try and work out something with some one of  a different religion.Full 3 nights Hindu Wedding ,no meat, being smeared with saffron from little kids and being away from your sweetheart an entire month is not what he had in mind!"Baby its just spiritual purification!"Oh wait , and now his mom can't attend the wedding..?He wants the booze and you don't. Uh oh ..Booze? How in God's name are we going to work out that? But here's the good news. It's the 21st century!

Most couples in this day and age both want to have "de life of the party" and incorporate some religious aspect in it. Surprisingly,  people are doing it .Yes it is looked down by staunch followers  and according to "spiritual advisers" it is not advised to do so. What do you think? Should people incorporate alcohol and meat after a religious ceremony? Maybe just alcohol ? Hmmm. You be the judge.


  1. Personally speaking the question should extend to, should there be alcohol and meat after the wedding on the ceremonial compound after a hindu ritual? of course not, but I don't see a problem if a ritual takes place at a temple for instance followed by a reception roughly 4 hours after in another venue. I firmly believe that if both the bride and groom are required to a continuation of fasting they should abide by those rules, but I don't really see a problem providing a meal that consists of meat and drinks for their guests. This is however, my opinion.

  2. Thanks for your feedback Kris :)

  3. I say no booze or meat! Too much expenditure! Use dat money for the honeymoon :) and I cant be away a whole month from my womannn! Lol :(

    1. Chris its nice to see atleast some guys think like you! :P Woman 1st ..Alco 2nd right ? hehe

  4. Yes! My woman 1st. I want to be in all my senses when am with her, especially when were in our domain n honeymoon lol but all in all you cant stop alcohol. Whats the trinidadian saying "pop yuh trunk" lol

  5. Have the date set? That ship sailed 8 years ago!!!!! Oh well maybe next time!

  6. All that matters is that the day passes well. I'm sure the bride & groom will just want to get to the honeymoon!!! I know I did, lol!!

  7. So in April, my husband and I had our wedding reception here and we both have no regrets with choosing this venue. I am still receiving compliments from all our guests. The food was delicious from appetizer to dessert.
